Other Parish Council Documents

To view the documents click on one of the links

Audit 2024

BUDGET 2023-2024

Final 2022-2023 Accounts

21-22 Annual accounts Sections 1 & 2

21-22 Annual accounts section 3

21-22 Annual accounts audit conclusion

Rights Summary 1

Rights summary 2

Annual Parish Assembly 2022

Annual Governance & Accountability Return for Year ending 31 March 2021

Paulerspury end of year audit 2020

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019-20

End of Year Audited Accounts 2019-20

Public Right Notification – Accounts for year ending 31 March 2020

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2019-2020

Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement 2019-2020

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement & Section 2 – Accounting Statement for 2018-19

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2018-19

Section 1 Accounts 2018-2019

Section 2 Accounts 2018-2019

Public Right Notification year ending 31 March 2019

Annual Parish Meeting 2019

Section 1 Accounts 2017-2018

Section 2 Accounts 2017-2018 

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2017-2018

 Audit Notice 2017-2018

Privacy Notice 11.06.18 16.05

Data Map 11.06.18 15.48w

Data Protection Policy 11.06.18

Data Breach Policy

Public Audit Notice 2018

Annual Parish Meeting March 2018

Code of Conduct SNC

Complaints Procedure

Risk Analysis

Freedom of Information (FOI)

Financial Regulations May 2021

Standing Orders May 2021